Monitor all aspects of your business and reduce excessive spending with online expense management.
Gain visibility into your company's spending with comprehensive data, charts, graphs, and custom reports. Regardless of when a transaction occurred, what form of payment was used, or which supplier or vendor was selected, you'll get detailed analytics into your overall expense spending. Then, you can set rules in the expense manager to increase control, eliminate loopholes, improve spending behavior, and lower your overall expenses.

Optimize spending.
Analyze overall expense spending for opportunities to reduce costs and negotiate better rates from vendors and suppliers.

Detect workflow bottlenecks.
Launch status reports to discover bottlenecks in your expense management process.

Identify spending trends.
Monitor your expense reports to find trends by seasonality, type, and department.

“With ExpenseWire, there is nothing to question. All of the guessing game goes away.”
-- Director of Global Travel and Meetings at National Retailer